
About Us

Established in 2016, the Infrastructure Industry Innovation Partnership (i3P) is a community of client and supply chain organisations that have made a commitment to delivering collaborative innovation through projects supported by a large network of experts, innovators and world leading industry knowledge that will drive the future transformation of the infrastructure and construction industry.

KTN facilitates the secretariat and management of i3P, tapping into its broad network of diverse industries and knowledge management.

Client group

i3P Co-Chair(s)

John Norton,
Nuclear Restoration Services

With such a wide range of organisations engaged in i3P, I’m delighted to be joining the team and supporting the adoption of innovation across industrial sectors. The publication of HMG’s Civil Nuclear Roadmap to 2050 framed the UK nuclear ambitions and gives clarity to the challenges ahead, driving the need to innovate together.

Steve Moore,
Environment Agency

The challenge for i3P remains turning all the great ideas that exist into reality and at a scale where everyone benefits. As clients we need to ensure we are creating the environment of the future, using our supply chains as true partners that are able to bring their skills and experiences to help shape those thoughts and then make them happen.

i3P Delivery Leadership Group (DLG)

DLG Co-Chair(s)

Dan Garbutt
Nuclear Restoration Services, i3P DLG Co-Chair

I am really looking forward to working with my fellow DLG Co-Chair Annette Pass and the i3P Secretariat and Co-Chairs to continue to develop cross sector collaboration. The NDA has such a challenging mission that’s diverse and exciting, there is so much potential across the infrastructure sector that can help us achieve our mission with benefits to wider society. Working together to innovate and sharing our experiences and insights is not just valuable it is necessary to realise those beneficial outcomes for society.

Annette Pass,  Deputy Chief Scientific Advisor, Department for Transport
and i3P DLG co-chair

Colin Evison, Innovation Technical Lead at BAM UK & Ireland, and DLG Strategy and Engagement Lead

I know the benefits that true collaboration brings, and within i3P we have a great selection of people and organisations to make real positive change for the UK infrastructure sector.

i3P Senior Lead 

Crystal Moore, Seconded from the Environment Agency

I'm an open, collaborative, innovative leader with a strong reputation for delivering improvements. I get energy from helping people and businesses to think through new ideas, test, learn and adapt, often at pace.
Specialities: Leadership, Strategy , Resilience management, Sustainability leadership Programme management, Asset finance, Project management, Transformational change management